Sunday, March 16 2025

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Islamic Calendar 1433 (2012)

AsalaamOalikum and Good Evening to All of Respected Muslim Brothers & Sisters,

So another Islamic Year is over today with end of last Islamic month Dhul Hijjah of 1432 Hijri. New Islamic Year 1433 Hijri is here. New Islamic Month Muḥarram has started. I Would like to say a very happy new Islamic year 1433 Hijri to all our brothers and sisters around the world.

Also i would request all Muslim brothers and sister to pray for Muslim Ummah which is having crises all around the world. May ALLAH make 1433 Hijri a year of change for Muslim Ummah. Ameen

Mohammad Sheraz Javed Awan

Note: download Islamic calendar 1433 from following link.

Source: NUML group FB post by Mohammad Sheraz Javed Awan

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